Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Thai Golf-Memories of recent tours

Well that's 2013 done and dusted which leaves just 46 days until our global gathering of golfing talent meet again in Hua Hin for the 10th playing of the annual Thailand Trophy.

I have some great photographic memories so I thought I'd share just a few of them with you all.

2010 in Pattaya-The Glen Gorse GC [Leicestershire] contingent.

Ok so who is wearing a rug? Who cares! What about the blond rinse!

Team photo-2011. Our last tour to Pattaya.
We did 7 tours to Pattaya and it was time for a change of scenery. Hua Hin was an obvious choice.

How can you not like Hua Hin when you play courses like Sea Pine! 

The boys from Surrey loved it. What a great addition to the tour group they have all been. Pete, Doug and Zac are just three of the group.

Big Rob from Burton-on -Trent buzzed in and took cash from young Callum who had flown in from Perth, Australia

Ever present Mark is from Shakespeare country
Then there's Fozzie. You'd have thought that a fella from Hereford would know how to open a bottle of Ketchup!
The Pro, aka Wardy, joined us in 2013, all the way from Laos. This picture says it all.
.......and finally

Jonesy from Liverpool and Dave from Cape Town, SA.
What a diverse group of golf lovers. Long may the tour continue.

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