Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Thai Golf-Arranging the 2014 Tour

If you are travelling half way around the world to play golf then there's quite a lot of stuff to consider.
Dates, Location, Flights, Accommodation, Tee reservations and Transport are the key areas to focus on.

Now if there's just two of you then it is relatively easy to arrange.
You could plan and execute the whole tour without assistance if you wanted to, such is the power of the internet that it's all at your fingertips nowadays.

Now put yourself in my shoes.
Next February, around the 16th, there will be a coming together of around 28 of us.When we all arrive at our base camp it's a bit like one of those wildlife films where all the Turtles turn up on the same beach at roughly the same time to dig a hole in the sand.
In both cases it usually takes a couple of days for the full complement to come together.

For my tour group you can replace the digging with the downing of a few beers by the pool and catching up on events since the last tour. Some of us don't see each other from one tour 'til the next.

They all come to renew great friendships and to play in the prestigious Thailand Trophy.
In 2014 our Tour Party will consist of golfers from Leicestershire, Merseyside, Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Surrey, Latvia, Sweden, Thailand and Laos. Quite a diverse group with ages ranging from 40 to 77.
Handicaps range from 5 to 23.

A couple of practice rounds to acclimatize are followed by four rounds of single stableford on four challenging courses.

Full handicap allowance, daily prizes but all the prestige going to the best player over the four days.

[2013 Top Four are above]

The competition is fierce with the four leading scores going out together on the last day which now has it's permanent home at Black Mountain GC, the current number one Golfing venue in South east Asia.

Where else could we hold the climax to a competition as strong as this one?

It's a fantastic golf course and perfect for the big climax, with a stunning clubhouse and bar overlooking the 18th green.

There is no way that I could pull this all together on my own.

I set the dates, co-ordinate the flights, provide all the updates, organise the golfing calender and manage all the competitions and prizes.

I leave everything else with Hua Hin Golf Tours, in particular their Golf Director Ian Lewins.
This guy is exceptional in everything he does and he is so ably supported by a great team.

When you come down to breakfast Ian is there checking on everyone's welfare and finalising arrangements for the day.

An hour or so later you arrive at your venue and Ian is standing by the first tee welcoming everyone.

Then return to the Hotel from your day's golf and guess who is there to greet you?

Hua Hin Golf Tours are a very slick organisation, thanks to Ian's leadership.

They provide airport transfers, all transport to and from the courses and they negotiate all Tee Times.
You can choose where you want to play and leave it to them.
Everything runs so smoothly which allows me to relax and enjoy my holiday as much as anyone else.

As for the Hua Hin Golf Villa, where do I start? It's a boutique hotel with well appointed and spacious rooms. Everyone is so friendly and all the staff are so willing to please.

There's a lovely, quiet pool area adjacent to the large dining area where all guests mix and exchange their golfing stories. It's five minutes walk from the beach and a five minute tuk-tuk ride from the centre of town.
see www.huahingolfvilla.com

More about Hua Hin and it's golf courses will follow. I will be there in 101 days.[I'm still counting!]

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